Prayer & Fasting

Grow Closer to God this year Through Prayer and Fasting

The reason we fast & pray:

Fasting is withholding from something so we can focus and get closer to God. The Bible clearly states that you gain power in the Holy Ghost through fasting. The Spirit of the Lord led Jesus into the desert to be tempted and to fast for 40 days. Luke 2:52 tells us that after this fast and time of temptation that Jesus returned ‘in the power of the Spirit.’ 

Fasting is an opportunity to grow in prayer and the word

 If you’re not reading and praying, you’re just dieting. There is a clear spiritual element that is involved in fasting. Use the time you would be eating meals to eat the word. Be consistent and diligent, and focus your mind on Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind in the word and guide your thoughts through the day. I believe that at no point in time will you get MORE from the word than when you are in a time of fasting.

Different ways to Fast:

  1. PARTIAL FASTING - when you refrain from eating sun up to sundown. You can also do this from a certain time of day, for example, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

  2. TOTAL FAST - Refrain from all food + Drink

  3. WATER FAST - Refrain from all food, drinking water only

  4. DANIEL FAST - In simple terms: You remove meat, sweets, and bread from your diet and consume water for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food.

  5. OTHER TYPES OF FASTS - Refrain from specific foods. For example: all meat, only red meat, caffeine, sugar, social media

Read the Bible in a Year

Click Below to See how you can Grow in God’s word this year

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